Sunday, July 30, 2017

A Year In Sedona~Meeting The Muse At Wisdom's Edge

Product Details
A Year In Sedona~Meeting The Muse At Wisdom's Edge is now available on or you can order directly by contacting
The blog At Wisdom's Edge is now on Facebook...


Do not go where the path may lead,
Go instead where there is no path
and leave a trail.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson 

At the second half of life my husband  and I moved to Sedona, Arizona to reconnect with our artistic roots by reigniting an old love affair with the muse. This is the story of our journey to a beautiful, vibrant and hospitable place we called wisdom’s edge. 

In Sedona we found a new community of creative spirits lighting the way for our own generation and those to come. Befriended by artists, writers, visionaries, musicians, healers, nature enthusiasts, yogis and spiritual seekers who generously shared their stories, we felt lucky to have their companionship as our second life unfolded. The road to wisdom’s edge was alternately smooth and rocky but the way was always well marked by the enlightened presence of our new friends, muses who informed and nourished us through the visual, literary and culinary arts, meditation practices and the wisdom of nature.

 In time we would realize that wisdom’s edge wasn’t so much a place, a finish line to be crossed, or a prize to grasp. Rather, it was a point of view and perspective encouraging a more creative life by pushing a little further with every step and going a bit deeper with every breath. In meeting the muse again we learned how to never set limits on creativity and always to honor the forces of gratitude, compassion and good each day. We learned to trust in the power of beauty to transform and that it is truly wisdom to believe the heart. 

Inspiration for writing A Year In Sedona – Meeting the Muse at Wisdom’s Edge came from my blog At Wisdom’s Edge, a wide ranging and freewheeling exploration of meeting up with the muse again at the second half of life ( After receiving numerous comments and participating in many discussions about living a new life at wisdom’s edge, I decided to write a book that would continue the conversation and be as well a friendly companion for anyone looking to travel a more creative and contemplative path in life.  Within each chapter you’ll find Meeting The Muse, a section with practical suggestions and information I’ve used over the years to engage imagination and discover new creative possibilities. The last chapter offers The Wisdom’s Edge Questionnaire for those embarking on their own trip to wisdom’s edge.   

Whether you read this book as an armchair traveler or you are preparing to set out for an exotic new location, I hope you’ll find fresh and meaningful words about how to more creatively embrace the second half of life as you meet your own muse.