Saturday, January 23, 2016

The Enchanted Forest

The Enchanted Forest ( (mixed media)
by Melanie Lee

In the forest live beings of mystery
existing in shadows
 speaking in sighs
murmuring softly so we can hear,
knocking loudly
when we don't.

An odd bird roams here
 beset with curious whimsies
 raucous and restless
scanning for prey
he speaks aloud,
spitting out truth.

He asked me to listen,
 share his secrets piece by piece.
Just a matter of disclosing the night,
 he winked smartly
preparing to conjure light.
 No truth too hard he swore.

Yes, I have time I told him,
averting my eyes just in case,
fearless but knowing full well
what calamity might happen next.
"Go 'head on man, you tell me straight
what matters most?"

Pop, Shazam and Bippity Boppity Boo,
 he sang out loud, Open Sesame
 I love you!

Dumbstruck, I swooned
enchanted, now free.
Oh honey, I whispered,
 come home with me.



Saturday, January 9, 2016

Our Wild Hearts

Our Wild Hearts
mixed media & poem by Melanie Lee

Our Wild Hearts

We set out searching into the  wild
 in the Year of Unknowing.
 Dark nights, weird noises, frightful wonders, 
We fell in deep,
over our heads, heads over heels
Someone  wonderful was watching.

Quite a job it was, blithe spirits we were.
Could we bring it safely home?
"Not to be known!" thundered Someone,
this author of our souls, delivering
 smart raps on the knuckles.
Bruised and broken we strode on.

 Peering deeper into the jungle
a clearing came to view
Cloud up there? Like a heart, we said.
Someone smiled at that
and clapped 
the sound of one hand.

Emergence came on winter's heels
springtime rolled round again.
The road ahead said follow me,
 air sweet, birds a'winging 
Someone laughing
Someone singing...

"You're out of the woods
You're out of the dark
You're out of the night
Step into the sun
Step into the light."

("OptimisticVoices" song
 lyrics by E.Y. Harburg)